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Featuring the beloved characters of celebrated children's author Theodor Geisel (aka Dr. Seuss), this Daytime Emmy-nominated preschool series helps children understand lessons about friendship, imagination, and more.
When Eliza Jane gets to choose a pet, the Cat in the Hat offers her a Gink.
Larry Nooly and his family are going to the Lodge at beautiful Lake Mulloon.
The beloved Snoozer statue is missing, and there is only one suspect: Yertle.
Harried Dad Tidbiddle is a remarkably busy man, so when the Cat in the Hat sells him a "Simplify-Your-Life-Machine," he is immediately smitten.
King Lindy of Lime has a beard so long that no one knows just how long it is.
It's Sue Snue's 11 ½ birthday, and tradition decrees that she decide what she wants to do for the rest of her life (or eat her hat).
The priceless Zubble-Wump egg has been in Megan Mullally's family for as long as anyone can remember - until it's stolen!
Two fuzzy friends take a trip to the amusement park and one thing is for sure: they are definitely not scared! After all, there are much scarier things out there than a roller coaster. Like snakes! Or hairy spiders! Or aliens with pink eyes and furry teeth! The friends soon discover that sometimes being scared isn't quite as "scary" as it seems-and it's even pretty normal too. With endearing illustrations and hilarious dialogue, I Am (Not) Scared is sure to be a hit with the entire family! This giggle-inducing, silly tale about (not) being scared features the characters from the Theodor Seuss Geisel Award winner You Are (Not) Small. I Am (Not) Scared is written by Anna Kang, illustrated by Christopher Weyant and published by Two Lions. Keep an eye out for other books in the fun-filled (Not) series coming soon to Vooks!
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